How do our university and college partnerships benefit our students?
Trust –The graduates of Braemar College have been going onto post secondary programs since 1995, and our academic track record is solid. Our partners can be confident that our students deserve their marks, and thus will succeed if admitted into a competitive program.
The latest information – Our pathway specialists are continually updated by our partners on any developments or changes to the admissions process.
Collaboration – Braemar College students frequently take part in the initiatives of our partner universities, whether it is a Resume Building workshop by the University of Waterloo, or the Market Simulation Challenge at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Business.
Joint Events – Over the years we have made joint presentations—Canada Pathway Workshops—with our college and university partners in Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Kenya, Nigeria, Vietnam, and Mexico. We also do frequent joint webinars (For more information, and to register for upcoming webinars, click here.)